
CeboStone HB

CeboStone - CeboStone HB

Water-based acrylic finish coating for interiors and exteriors: its particular superficial structure allows creating matte decorative finishes characterized by delicate effects of light and shade obtained thanks to a harmonious combination of sandy and smooth areas. The product is applied in one coat on a properly treated surface, thus it is an efficient solution for the decoration of extensive surfaces, both in residential and commercial environments. The product is available in two versions varying in grain sizing: a fine CeboStone (0,3 mm) and a bigger-sized CeboStone HB (0,7 mm) that is mostly recommended for exterior or rough surfaces; both the versions have excellent surface coverage properties and efficiently conceal surface imperfections.

汽车内外饰件产品,水性丙烯酸面漆涂层:其独特的表面结构允许创建冰铜装饰完成以微妙的明暗效应获得由于桑迪和平滑区域的和谐结合。产品应用于一个外套妥善处理表面,因此,是一种有效的解决方案广泛的表面的装饰,在住宅和商业环境。产品有两个版本不同晶粒大小:罚款CeboStone(0,3毫米)和十有八九比对手快CeboStone HB(0、7毫米),主要是推荐给外部或粗糙表面;版本都优秀的表面覆盖属性和有效地掩盖表面缺陷。


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